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Posts Tagged ‘United Nations

Scare Mongering Busted at UN

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WND Scientists Abandon Global Warming ‘Lie’

WASHINGTON – A United Nations climate change conference in Poland is about to get a surprise from 650 leading scientists who scoff at doomsday reports of man-made global warming

– labeling them variously a lie, a hoax and part of a new religion.

Later today, their voices will be heard in a U.S. Senate minority report quoting the scientists, many of whom are current and former members of the U.N.’s own Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.

About 250 of the scientists quoted in the report have joined the dissenting scientists in the last year alone.

In fact, the total number of scientists represented in the report is 12 times the number of U.N. scientists who authored the official IPCC 2007 report. (emphasis added)

The trouble with fear mongering is ‘the truth will come out.’  The truth is coming out on the Climate Change scam perpetrated by Al Gore in his movie, An Inconvenient Truth and by nearly all of the Democrat Party.  The scam has been so successful that Newt Gingrich (a conservative political strategist) looks at the polls and instructs the candidates on the right to move into the main stream on this issue.  During the 2008 election campaign, John McCain had already taken this strategy trying to inflate support from the middle of the road voters and lost much of his base in the process only reigniting them by selecting Sarah Palin for VP.  His timing could not have been worse for the campaign or the conservative movement.  The successful sequence of a campaign operation is first, ignite your base and second, move to the middle.  McCain started in the middle winning the biased media’s support and the Republican primary election, then moved right.

The myriad of grant grabbing pseudo-scientists out for taxpayer money, even at the expense of their credibility in collusion with the Democrat political party who use the pseudo-science to scare voters into supporting them  (because they are the party who cares about the environment)  are hoaring out their professional integrity.  The effect on the citizens of the world was a cult of faith in pseudo science. The top climatologist in the industry, Richard Lindzen at MIT has long been working against this hoax along with 31,000 more scientists who have signed on by signing a petition denying man’s influence on the climate to any markable degree.  Balance 31,000 scientists against the 2500 who signed the U.N. mandate.  Even the top scientists who work for the U.N. now or have in the past are beginning to get off the Global Scam Bus.  The U.N. has been using the Kyoto Treaty to defeat the United States’ ability to excel in the world’s trade economy by pressuring U.S. officials to sign onto carbon emission Caps and Trade, which again McCain supported and Barack Obama is now working to implement.  The leaders of the world know and despise our success which is capable of financing a tremendous military with forward bases placed all over the world as well as pouring out trillions of taxpayer money to buy the friendship of key nations not to mention the credibility we buy with billions and possibly trillions at the president’s command to give disaster relief.  If the U.N. can knock back the American wealth by placing heavy restrictions on America’s ability to produce, then the American wealth machine gets stunted by constricting its roots (production and trade) like a plant in a pot restricted from expansion and growth.   In the present economic meltdown, this restriction on American productivity is the last thing Barack Obama needs to be pushing.  So where do we stand now?  Junk Science.com brings us up to speed.

Hate Speech and Perspective

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Oh my, the awful truth of hate speech going on over at the United Nations!  No wonder the summit wanted to ban criticism of Islamic er.. religious views.  You see, if you represent Israel and site factual evidence of the council’s own works your speech should be banned.   However, if you make speeches which will encourage and incite actual murder and mayhem citing nothing, you get the posts of power to enact resolutions against the peace loving cultures in the world.    The UN is controlled by the corrupt, the despots, the human rights council is literally populated by the worst violators of human rights in the world.  It is time to withdraw from and defund the UN.  It is way beyond time to rid ourselves of this worse than feckless farce which is doing tremendous damage to the peaceful and righteous states.