Judge Right

How do you know what is true and right and good? You use your judgment. When you hear truth, if you contain your prejudices, (feelings) you know it in your spirit. (conscience)

Posts Tagged ‘hypocrisy

Scare Mongering Busted at UN

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WND Scientists Abandon Global Warming ‘Lie’

WASHINGTON – A United Nations climate change conference in Poland is about to get a surprise from 650 leading scientists who scoff at doomsday reports of man-made global warming

– labeling them variously a lie, a hoax and part of a new religion.

Later today, their voices will be heard in a U.S. Senate minority report quoting the scientists, many of whom are current and former members of the U.N.’s own Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.

About 250 of the scientists quoted in the report have joined the dissenting scientists in the last year alone.

In fact, the total number of scientists represented in the report is 12 times the number of U.N. scientists who authored the official IPCC 2007 report. (emphasis added)

The trouble with fear mongering is ‘the truth will come out.’  The truth is coming out on the Climate Change scam perpetrated by Al Gore in his movie, An Inconvenient Truth and by nearly all of the Democrat Party.  The scam has been so successful that Newt Gingrich (a conservative political strategist) looks at the polls and instructs the candidates on the right to move into the main stream on this issue.  During the 2008 election campaign, John McCain had already taken this strategy trying to inflate support from the middle of the road voters and lost much of his base in the process only reigniting them by selecting Sarah Palin for VP.  His timing could not have been worse for the campaign or the conservative movement.  The successful sequence of a campaign operation is first, ignite your base and second, move to the middle.  McCain started in the middle winning the biased media’s support and the Republican primary election, then moved right.

The myriad of grant grabbing pseudo-scientists out for taxpayer money, even at the expense of their credibility in collusion with the Democrat political party who use the pseudo-science to scare voters into supporting them  (because they are the party who cares about the environment)  are hoaring out their professional integrity.  The effect on the citizens of the world was a cult of faith in pseudo science. The top climatologist in the industry, Richard Lindzen at MIT has long been working against this hoax along with 31,000 more scientists who have signed on by signing a petition denying man’s influence on the climate to any markable degree.  Balance 31,000 scientists against the 2500 who signed the U.N. mandate.  Even the top scientists who work for the U.N. now or have in the past are beginning to get off the Global Scam Bus.  The U.N. has been using the Kyoto Treaty to defeat the United States’ ability to excel in the world’s trade economy by pressuring U.S. officials to sign onto carbon emission Caps and Trade, which again McCain supported and Barack Obama is now working to implement.  The leaders of the world know and despise our success which is capable of financing a tremendous military with forward bases placed all over the world as well as pouring out trillions of taxpayer money to buy the friendship of key nations not to mention the credibility we buy with billions and possibly trillions at the president’s command to give disaster relief.  If the U.N. can knock back the American wealth by placing heavy restrictions on America’s ability to produce, then the American wealth machine gets stunted by constricting its roots (production and trade) like a plant in a pot restricted from expansion and growth.   In the present economic meltdown, this restriction on American productivity is the last thing Barack Obama needs to be pushing.  So where do we stand now?  Junk Science.com brings us up to speed.

Introducing Judge Bob Yeah, That’s Me

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All right.  I’m just getting started on WordPress, so bear with me as I get familiar with the tools and options.  What follows is my profile.  So, this information will always be available on my profile page.  I’ve been blogging over at blogspot and then VOX for several years and I’m only here because I bought domain space and am required to use WordPress to post there.  I still haven’t figured out how to use this tool there, but hope to have that site up and running soon.  So, you can view my previous work at:



Judge Bob

Judge Bob

This whole judging theme got started because I was on Yahoo’s Answers and, aiming to answer serious questions by kids who maybe were using the anonymity of the setting to ask embarrassing questions or questions that were politically incorrect, I quite often would be condemned for being critical of certain faiths, certain behaviors, and certain individuals.  I’d even been reprimanded for ‘hate speech’ by the Yahoo moderators.  So, I went hunting for a venue where I could publish my answers offsite then send the kids to that sight for complete answers to their troublesome queries in polite company.  Now that’s how I got started but the blogs have developed into their own thing.  They have become a place for debate, discussion, entertainment, and education.  I have enough different pages online now that I can sort of focus them on various topics.  One for politics/current events, another for morality issues and yet another for self improvement/happiness.  I haven’t yet determined which should be which yet, but I’m leaning toward VOX for the happiness topic and this one for morality issues.  If that works then I’ll make the paid space the general home with links to the rest for trackbacks.  This way one crowd won’t be drowned with information they’re not interested in.

That said, I want to make clear that I have no letters beside my name.  I haven’t earned an MBA or a PhD and I’ve never served as any form of legal adviser or advocate.  The title comes from folks commenting on the blogs calling me Judge because of the blog title.  My only authority to advise comes in the form of the school of hard knocks.  I’ve bumped around this old rock long enough to have learned a few things and made enough mistakes to know some of what doesn’t work.  As one shade tree philosopher put it, “Good judgment comes from experience.  Unfortunately, experience usually comes from poor judgment.”

How do you know what is true and right and good?  You use your judgment.  When you hear truth, if you contain your prejudices, (feelings) you know it in your spirit.  (conscience) — That one’s from me, though I doubt I’m the first to utter those words.

“After a while you learn the subtle difference between holding a hand and chaining a soul and you learn that love doesn’t mean possession and company doesn’t mean security.  And you begin to learn that kisses aren’t contracts and presents aren’t promises and you begin to accept your defeats with your head up and your eyes ahead with the grace of an adult not the grief of a child.  And you learn to build your roads today because tomorrows ground is too uncertain for plans and futures have ways of falling down in mid-flight.  After a while you learn that even sunshine burns if you get too much so you plant your own garden and decorate your own soul instead of waiting for someone to bring you flowers.  And you learn that you really can endure that you really are strong and you really do have worth…and you learn and you learn.” –Veronica A. Shoffstall

The following is my response to a commenter hypocritically condemning me for judging people, specifically homosexual behaviors.

I demand an apology from leftist hypocrites or anybody who’s ever condemned a Christian for judging.  I and my entire faith have been labeled hypocrites for exercising our God given responsibility to use good judgment. You have managed to convince nearly all of pop culture to judge and condemn us for judging.  By mis-application of our scriptures, you take one verse out of context and reduce thousands of years of wisdom to a three word bumper sticker slogan, “Don’t Judge People” or “You Shouldn’t Judge”  effectively hijacking the lesson it was meant to teach and twisting it to fit your self centered agenda to continue in whatever sin you feel judged for.  I’d be shocked if any of you could name the verse you so glibly quote to justify this charge against us.  Even if you could, you wouldn’t be able to quote the next verse or any other verse that supports it, yet you have the nerve to quote our Holy Book to us without any understanding of its proper application.
I will rip your self righteous prejudiced condemnation of us to shreds and expose your hypocrisy before God and everybody if you try doing that to my face.  If you ever do decide to read a scripture, try this verse; [John 7:24 “Do not judge according to appearance, but judge with righteous judgment.“]  Oh my God, open these hearts to the truth and make them face their shame for shaming the righteousDon’t snort! We know we are not perfect, neither are we wrong about this.  Righteousness is one of those buzz words you hypocrites, who don’t like being judged, but enjoy judging us for.  If you had any idea what righteousness we speak of, you’d know your judgment of us is unfounded and just plain wrong.
I suppose you’ll try to judge and condemn me for being angry next.  When I am wronged, and especially when my entire faith is condemned on the basis of a prejudice, I have, not only a right, but a responsibility to be angry.  Its called righteous anger and the Bible reference for that is Eph 4:25-27.  [25 Therefore, putting away lying, each one speak truth with his neighbor, for we are members of one another.  26 Be angry, and do not sin” do not let the sun go down on your wrath,  27 nor give place to the devil.]  It means I have to speak the truth, it means I have to say it in the face of those indulging in self delusion. It means I shouldn’t bottle it up because that would give place to the devil using it in me to create my own prejudice.  So if you don’t like being judged with righteous proper judgment, tough, that doesn’t give you license to judge us with prejudice and unrighteous improper judgment.


Now I am generally a happy person, but nothing pushes my buttons like the leftist hypocrisy of condemning Christians’ judgment.  Not because Christians judge well, but because it has turned into such an anti-wisdom mantra that our kids are walking out into life with the belief that their own common sense is an evil bigotry that needs, indeed must be fought off.  How on earth are they going to survive if they think their preference for one friend over another, or one mentor over another, or one religion over another is bigotry?  Here, listen to this preacher present it better than I ever could.  And here you can listen to Charles Barkley repeat that anti-wisdom prejudiced mantra on TV!   What a case of perfected wisdom and insight, that one?  And he wants to be a leader in this nation?

Written by Judge Bob

November 23, 2008 at 3:35 pm