Judge Right

How do you know what is true and right and good? You use your judgment. When you hear truth, if you contain your prejudices, (feelings) you know it in your spirit. (conscience)

Posts Tagged ‘hate speech

Hate Speech and Perspective

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Oh my, the awful truth of hate speech going on over at the United Nations!  No wonder the summit wanted to ban criticism of Islamic er.. religious views.  You see, if you represent Israel and site factual evidence of the council’s own works your speech should be banned.   However, if you make speeches which will encourage and incite actual murder and mayhem citing nothing, you get the posts of power to enact resolutions against the peace loving cultures in the world.    The UN is controlled by the corrupt, the despots, the human rights council is literally populated by the worst violators of human rights in the world.  It is time to withdraw from and defund the UN.  It is way beyond time to rid ourselves of this worse than feckless farce which is doing tremendous damage to the peaceful and righteous states.